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Featured Diversity and Inclusion Status/News

Beam note: The following reports are being featured due to their perceived relevancy to current community DEI advocacy needs. The featured list is only a subset of the DEI reports currated. For the whole list, visit the Status Search page.
D&I Status/News

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How does racism impact people’s health? (July 13, 2024)

 New Mayo Clinic, U of M framework aims to guide future research. The framework defines structural racism as the “totality of ways in which societies foster racial discrimination through mutually reinforcing systems of housing, education, employment, earnings, benefits, credit, media, health care and criminal justice.”

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City of Rochester - Justice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (JEDI) Audit Status (June 26, 2024)

June 24, 2024 City Council Study Session: Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Audit per Goodenough 

Departmental Audit reports of: Human Resources; Rochester Public Library; Parks & Rec 


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Somali American Social Service Association (June 21, 2024)

SASSA to receive $1M from MN to train workers for high-demand employment. 

The funding is awarded under the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Targeted Populations Workforce Competitive Grant Program.

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Community Building Fund (June 20, 2024)

The City of Rochester welcomes applications for the Community Building Fund.  This fund is all about supporting projects, programs, and events in the city that actively promote equity and inclusion.

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ISAIAH Rochester Agenda (June 09, 2024)

Focus Area: Housing; Our Next Generation; Healthcare; Community-Building; Climate

Activities: Rochester Faith in MN & ISAIAH Calendar and Strategic Missions

Reference: CMRC June 24, 2024 Meeting Presentation Video


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M.O.V.E: A Collaboration of SHIP, Joint Study, One Olmsted (May 21, 2024)

Mobilizing Olmsted Voices for Equity (M.O.V.E.) community council application

M.O.V.E. Promotional Flyer and Application to join M.O.V.E.

5/10/2024 Conversation Olmsted County Rep and CMRC Rep.: Regarding Olmsted County Community Council's DEI initiative called Mobilizing Olmsted Voices for Equity (M.O.V.E) 

Rochester Area Foundation Support Message


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EBE Presentation to City Council Study Session (April 01, 2024)

1. Part of Feb 26, 2024 City Council Study Session on DEI: Presentation Slides include actions and measures to City Council Study Session and Link to City Council video 

2. Career Opportunities for Women of Color

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Requests for Action Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan (March 21, 2024)

City Council Approved Requests for City Council Approval of two DEI Contracts: 

Contract 1: 2024: Professional Development: Cultural Humility Series $41.3K; 

Contact 2 : Critical Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Audit ($30K); Cultural Humility Professional Development Series: Digging Deeper $13.5K ;  

Video clip of council discussions and voting and related info about GoodEnough.

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Action Request March 18, 2024 (March 19, 2024)

Comment at the 3/18/2024 City Council Meeting:

To act on September 21, 2020 council resolutions for the city staff to develop a Intercultural City action plan.  

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