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Race Exhibit 2018

 Impact Lvl 1: Diversity and Inclusion
Public Pinned Report on Race Exhibit in SE MN led by Diversity Council, Rochester Public Library, Luther College
Last modified: November 17, 2018



Reviving 2009 Race Exhibit in a condensed version.


On the Media





500 Square Foot Version of Race Exhibit

Activities are being planned to launch a 500 SQ Foot version of the 2010 Race Exhibit.




Volunteers Needed

Looking for volunteer docents and facilitators to welcome people into the exhibit and make their experiences richer. Our appeal is below, please SHARE! The Science Museum is pulling together the Advisory Council and we want to be certain that it is broad and inclusive.

Please consider serving! You can learn more and apply here:

VOLUNTEER APPEAL: The goal of the RACE project is to help individuals of all ages better understand the origins and manifestations of race and racism in everyday life by investigating race and human variation through the framework of science.

RACE explores three primary themes:

· The science of human variation and where current scientific understanding is inconsistent with popular notions of race;

· The history of the idea of race, with an emphasis on the role of science in shaping the concept of race; and

· The contemporary experience of race and racism in the United States, and the often invisible ways race and racism have infiltrated laws, customs, and institutions.

The exhibit will be on display in DEC and JAN at Apache Mall, and FEB-APR at Rochester Public Library. Organizing Partners are looking for volunteers to support the exhibit.


The exhibit will be on display in DEC and JAN at Apache Mall, and FEB-APR at Rochester Public Library. Organizing Partners are looking for volunteers to support the exhibit.


Opportunities Available:

· Discussion Facilitators

· Lead Docents (Exhibit Assistants)

· Docents (Exhibit Greeters)

Your help is needed to make the exhibit a success, and your participation will make a difference to those who come to view the exhibit. Sign up now to be part of this unique and exciting opportunity! Please send your name and contact information to or call 507.282.9951 to receive additional information.





2010 Highlights

Faculty, staff and students of Mayo Clinic and visitors to Rochester have had a special opportunity to view an extraordinary exhibit entitled RACE: Are We so Different? at the Rochester Public Library. The American Anthropological Association teamed with the Minnesota Science Museum in 2006 to create the original exhibit. Mayo Clinic joined with the Rochester Public Library so that the exhibit could be brought to the Rochester community this summer. Dawn Littleton (DL), Head of Public Services at Mayo Clinic Libraries, who assisted with the exhibit and two library employees who attended the exhibit offered these comments.



Faculty, staff and students of Mayo Clinic and visitors to Rochester have had a special opportunity to view an extraordinary exhibit entitled RACE: Are We so Different? at the Rochester Public Library.

The American Anthropological Association teamed with the Minnesota Science Museum in 2006 to create the original exhibit. Mayo Clinic joined with the Rochester Public Library so that the exhibit could be brought to the Rochester community this summer. Dawn Littleton (DL), Head of Public Services at Mayo Clinic Libraries, who assisted with the exhibit and two library employees who attended the exhibit offered these comments.


Race Exhibit Report






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Great teamwork to have exhibit transported to Luther College. 

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June 11, 2017 : Learning from past large scale community projects, eg, 2010 Race Exhibit
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In the June CoC meeting, a question was raised whether or not we can learn from past major events like Race Exibit as we attempt to build Rochester - a City of Compassion.

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Pinned Diversity Council, Rochester Public Library, Luther College organization and project reports

. Project Report of Race Exhibit in SE MN : May 16, 2019 : Race Exhibit Moved to Luther College
Impact Lvl1: Diversity and Inclusion, Education
Impact Lvl2:

Great teamwork to have exhibit transported to Luther College. 

Project Report of Race Exhibit in SE MN : January 28, 2019 : Race Exhibit Returns to Rochester
Impact Lvl1: Diversity and Inclusion, Education
Impact Lvl2:

Updates from Tony Williams, Science Museum of Minnesota

Project Report of Race Exhibit in SE MN : June 11, 2017 : Learning from past large scale community projects, eg, 2010 Race Exhibit
Impact Lvl1: Best Practice, Caring Relationship, Civic Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion, Sustainability
Impact Lvl2:

In the June CoC meeting, a question was raised whether or not we can learn from past major events like Race Exibit as we attempt to build Rochester - a City of Compassion.

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