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Race Exhibit Returns to Rochester

 Impact Lvl 1: Diversity and Inclusion ; Education
Public Pinned Report on Race Exhibit in SE MN led by Diversity Council, Rochester Public Library, Luther College
Last modified: January 28, 2019



Updates from Tony Williams, Science Museum of Minnesota


Tony Williams from the Science Museum of Minnesota here, writing to give you some updates on our RACE in Rochester project. Things have been going very well, and we're looking forward to continuing our work over the coming months! More information about the exhibit, as well as some funding opportunities, is below.


RACE at Apache Mall

We installed the exhibit at Apache Mall, with help from an incredible array of sponsors (listed at the bottom of this email) in early December, just in time for the holiday rush, giving people an opportunity to see the exhibit who may never have come across it otherwise. Special thanks to Rochester Public Library and Diversity Council, who led the charge, and also created some unique displays discussing the indigenous history of Olmstead county, as well as including more information about the Apache tribes of the Southwestern United States. We're incredibly grateful to everyone who helped us ensure that the exhibit at the mall was a success!


RACE at Rochester Public Library

Next week, we'll be moving the exhibit from the mall to the first floor of Rochester Public Library, where it will be displayed through the first week of May. We need your help getting the word out about the exhibit, so please let folks know that it's there! The exhibit is free to attend, and will be open the same hours as the library.


Science Museum funding

As part of the exhibit being installed at the library, the Science Museum will have some resources available for community groups who want to host events or programs about race and racism in Rochester. Any group or individual can apply for $250, $500, or $1000 in funds! More information, as well as English and Spanish versions of the application, can be found here:  Applications are due by February 22nd, and we'll be working with our advisory council (also listed below) to evaluate the proposals the week of the 25th. We can't wait to see what you come up with!


FREC funding

We've also recently been made aware of a funding opportunity through the Facilitating Racial Equity Collaborative, who runs the Overcoming Racism conference in St. Paul every year. They're accepting grant applications that aim to deepen conversations around race and racism in Greater Minnesota as well. Applications are open on a rolling basis, and you can find more information here:


Thank you so much!

We appreciate all of your help on bringing the exhibit to Rochester so far, and we can't wait to see what lies ahead. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns or ideas for ways we can work together!


~Tony Williams

Science Museum of Minnesota



RACE at Apache Mall Sponsors


Science Museum of Minnesota

American Anthropological Association

Diversity Council

Rochester Public Library

Institute of Museum and Library Services

MInnesota Legacy Fund

Minnesota Library Legacy

Ford Foundation

Mayo Clinic

Winona State University

Rochester Public Schools

Collaborative Leadership Fellows

Minnesota Children's Museum - Rochester

Rochester Community and Technical College

And more!


RACE in Rochester Advisory Council


Amrita Prakaashana

Shalini Prabhakar

Valerie DeCora Guimaraes

Juliana St. Helene-Kraft

Anantha Kollengode

Samira Jubran

Monique Sledd

Canaan Odeh

Aaron Grier






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Pinned Diversity Council, Rochester Public Library, Luther College organization and project reports

. Project Report of Race Exhibit in SE MN : May 16, 2019 : Race Exhibit Moved to Luther College
Impact Lvl1: Diversity and Inclusion, Education
Impact Lvl2:

Great teamwork to have exhibit transported to Luther College. 

Project Report of Race Exhibit in SE MN : November 17, 2018 : Race Exhibit 2018
Impact Lvl1: Diversity and Inclusion
Impact Lvl2:

Reviving 2009 Race Exhibit in a condensed version.

Project Report of Race Exhibit in SE MN : June 11, 2017 : Learning from past large scale community projects, eg, 2010 Race Exhibit
Impact Lvl1: Best Practice, Caring Relationship, Civic Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion, Sustainability
Impact Lvl2:

In the June CoC meeting, a question was raised whether or not we can learn from past major events like Race Exibit as we attempt to build Rochester - a City of Compassion.

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